March 02, 2009 by admin
sherdog.com Content Management
The developer of sherdog.com, Xillent that’s us, has built a robust content management system for popular website sherdog.com. After implementing our CMS system into sherdog its staffs begins using it to build content which helps sherdog.com grew rapidly and become one of the most prominent sites in the mma industry. Our content management system is implemented in many of our current clients.
The system that we’ve built is robust and stands the stress of being pushed to its limit. It is stripped away to its bare essential yet highly customizable. The time it takes us to add in a new custom functionality is short which reduces cost. Our client loves it so much that it became a staple tool for most of our websites. It exists in popular ecommerce store such as warriorwearclothing.com to printing company sgpweb.com . Each CMS is unique to its owner because they are custom tools.
We gradually improved it and it’s now in magnitude of languages. For our new clients we highly recommend it. It is tested, widely used, and abused but yet proven to not break down. The great thing about it is the size of it. It is lightweight and is not clutter with all the things that exist in other open source CMS. You can learn more about the power of our CMS and how it can scan through millions of records without compromise by contacting us.
- Filed under: Company News, Xillent Talk
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